Adam, you might be interested in this.

The Potential of Serratiopetidase and Lumbrokinase for the Degradation of Prion Peptide 106-126 - an In Vitro and In Silico Perspective


The potential of lumbrokinase and serratiopeptidase for the degradation of Aβ 1-42 peptide - an in vitro and in silico approach


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I am very thankful for your time dedication and work. I do like following your assessments of Ukraine, in addition to the science. Thanks for believing there's amateurs out here who can follow the complex science.

I can always count on your take being the first to accurately asses what many others will be sharing a week or a month later. I see you and I appreciate you!

I don't think it's wrong to mix in articles that you know would get more attention to fuel both $ and fuel awareness via people reading your life-saving content.

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Thank you so much. Excellent, minutely detailed work as always.

Please try to publish some short pieces when you can.

P.S. you forgot about the "snake venom" rumor concerning the vaxxes, but alien squid fits right in there. 😆

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"... and the complete absence of any such reports connectable only to infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus ..."

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease after COVID-19: infection-induced prion protein misfolding? A case report https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9255144/

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There is an issue that kept resounding in my head on my first and second read. While the prion angle of the plandemic has also been of utmost interest to me during the last 3 years (thank you for addressing this issue, and so thoroughly), I have found some relief in the whole "viruses don't exist" debate. Now before you shake your head, of course this isn't a new topic to you, nor are the arguments for and against. I'm just interested in facts, and prion diseases. Putting the virus question mostly on pause for the moment, if indeed there is not a contagious "virus" out there wreaking all the havoc in either the plandemic or the vaccines, then we are left to wonder what is actually doing all the wreaking. Pulling a string from the non-virus thread still, if we can (and eventually do) show that every dis-ease from Polio to COVID is actually - not caused by a phantom no-one on this planet seems to be able to identify properly, try as they sometimes claim to with billions of tax dollars - a natural reaction to identifiable toxins, then the process by which we analyze these issues shifts to a more tangible debate. Indeed, if we put a cyanide pill in 8 oz of gasoline, and then drink it, we don't suspect that it was the cyanide that killed us, we suspect it was the entire concoction. Similar to the dioxins now all over the east coast: we won't say all the coming cancers and birth defects are a freak coincidence; we will know from Adam Gaertner's diligent homework that those diseases are more likely from the toxins - dioxins we can prove are now pervasive throughout those populations (btw Mike Adams from NaturalNews.com will begin perosnally testing those regions for dioxins hopefully before summers end). Subsequently, If only 5% of the mRNA was "viable" - and even then the protections inside/outside/around our cells give that 5% an even lesser chance of doing harm - then how are we seeing so many adverse reactions? These adverse events seem to be picking up steam even without more injections. Could it be the gasoline the mRNA was placed in (the dioxins blanketing the east coast population, the lead and arsenic pestacides blanketing the school children where coincidentally Polio would break out every spray. . .) is causing dis-ease, not an unidentified "virus"? (Isn't it funny how exosomes look and act just like "viruses" but no-one thinks they are harmful - yet? btw The exosome-vagus nerve approach to prion disease might interest you Adam) Next add another verifiable (at least on big pharma papers and seemingly under the microscope), the lipid-nanoparticle layers that contain graphene oxide. From your article it appears you're not a fan of the graphene discussion, at least the more fantastic parts about nanobots or the like. Bots aside, Sinopeg out of China remains very much in the discussion, at least according to the manufacturers of the gasoline concoction who claim to have asked Sinopeg to wrap every snippet of their mRNA in at least a single layer of graphene oxide. Taking the non-virus string a little further, if we still - as of yet - have not been capable in any lab anywhere on the planet to identify that sneaky virus called SARS-CoV-2, then we cannot by default include spike protein in the discussion either - spike protein being a horn of the unicorn we call virus. Yes, I know even the greats such as Malone and McCullough talk a lot about the spike protein, so therefore "fact". However, in the interest of intellectual honesty, we can still at least consider the could-be facts of the non-virus approach to all this. If there's no unicorn, and therefore no unicorn horn, then what are we seeing? What are those little black specs McCullough is pointing out? What they are or aren't, no-one is really saying beyond that they just want us to take their word for it being "spike protein". Just like the PCR test inventor Kerry Mullis didn't take everyone's word for it that an HIV virus was a real thing, perhaps we should also question the narrative until someone actually successfully identifies it, without using a human-programmed computer model to make up 99.99999% of the blanks (as is the practice). Even examining Louis Pasteur's 19th century virus claims turns up his habit of conveniently injecting lead/mercury/arsenic/etc into his patients BEFORE injecting them with "infectious" snot. "Look! They got sick! Therefore, virus!" Could not have been the heavy metal poisoning, no way. . . . Anyway, these few points are not in any way new to anyone as I'm merely parroting Béchamp/Cowan/Farell/Kaufman/Scoglio/Hilman/etc. Adam, I am not trying to create a debate loop that gets us nowhere, or somehow offend. I find your articles supremely valuable after all. But I still have to parse your invaluable references with what I think I understand about the (non)existence of viruses. Supplanting any mention of unverified virus or spike protein, with verifiable graphene oxide, which is a natural aggregator of heavy metals btw, which coincidentally we know are also verifiably linked to prion diseases, the discussion gets more. . . less-theoretical? Or perhaps just more tangible, and also less worrying? Detox from the heavy metals, including the graphene oxide with zeolite nanoparticles and nattokinase and voila, nothing to worry about? Doubtful it's that easy. But its a good start. Steve Kirsch has a lot to say about anyone who suggests there is no such thing as a virus. Oh well, I still find Steve's many contributions of utmost value as well. My objective in commenting here relates specifically to my interest in prions, based on what we actually know and can prove. Could it be that not just the specifics, but even the basics we are told from big pharma about "viruses", are also lies? After all, if we can be convinced by our own tax dollars that viruses are real - thus taking our minds off habitual agricultural and industrial poisoning leading to lawsuits (pfff like that's ever happened before) - we therefore turn our focus to chasing the boogeyman rather than the antidote. If we can pinpoint where/how/what/why/when prions become things in light of verifiable and present toxin loads, maybe we will have something to run with, until at least someone does in fact finally proves that a virus - ANY virus - is a real thing, and that all disease isn't toxin-based after all (I include bacteria/fungi/etc as their waste products are the toxins, not necessarily the bacteria itself). If you know of someone who can indeed prove the existence of a virus, there is quite a bit of reward money available that is still unclaimed so far. Successfully isolate, identify and characterize a virus, ANY virus, and you will never need another subscriber again, I promise. Just promise me you'll continue to write for us!

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Any update on this front?

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Adam - seems like McCairn and Rixey are getting more worried and serious about the possible prion-issue. I just watched some of their recent broadcasts. McCairn is pushing for an experiment to test a reasonable sized group of people and find out if this really is an approaching storm or not. That would be good to know. In this article you appear to be satisfied that it is not going to be a problem - but it might be good to revisit this issue again in the light of more recent information. However, I have this niggling thought at the back of my mind that those who set this mess going must perhaps have some sort of antidote - as why would they set this thing in motion knowing that they too could be affected in the long run - prions being hard to destroy. They presented information on the cervid population who appear to show a wasting disease that has been spreading through the west in recent years and this is worrying. Anyway, seems like this issue has not completely gone away. Though I do think humans are more resilient than perhaps the perpetrators expected, which is good news, and with lots of great minds working on these problems, I believe they can be solved.

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My father has CJD declared 25/09. On 02/2023 he said to me that he has some problem for concentraion and think, he sems to have the have an empty head. The last vaccine (the 4rth) was on october 2022. I think that was a direct activation of CJD. On 07/2023 he has begin to have dizziness, and immidiatly the other synomps of CDJ, just to 25/9 wherw arrived de result of analisis. Can you help me for demonstrate this ? Thanks.

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