Masks, and mask mandates, were never about anybody’s safety. Almost four years after the beginning of the pandemic, there is still very little evidence to suggest they offer even the slightest protection against covid infection. For a time, the mantra of “my mask protects you, your mask protects me” won out; not knowing any better, and faithfully believing in the guidance of our mind-blowingly corrupt and dishonest public health officials, it became a simple gesture of good manners to wear them.
Over time, it became much clearer what they really represent: compliance. You’re supposed to know that they don’t actually protect you. From Fauci’s “noble lies,” to the nonsensical restaurant requirements, and the eventual political polarization that developed concerning them, there was deliberately stoked controversy from the very beginning. For every other medico-scientific aspect of this pandemic - from the vaccines, to Remdesivir and Paxlovid, to actually useful treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine - the scientific fraud machine worked overtime to produce a multitude of bogus, falsified, yet superficially convincing studies that media, influencers, officials and politicians could use to convince you; when it comes to masks, “The Science” is still awfully light, and the studies that have been published either clearly show they have no effect, or are unconvincing statistical misrepresentations. Now, as primary season heats up, and Trump indictments fall like rain, a new Covid variant is being talked up, and “calls” for mask mandates are rising again.
Why now? What’s the goal?
The Purpose Of Propaganda
If you’ve been following events at all - and since you’re reading this, I’m going to presume you’re well and truly up to date - you should be well aware that we are in the midst of a Marxist revolution, both in the US and across the Western world. They are, rather unimaginatively, still fairly closely following the playbook written by the Bolsheviks, from the Russian Revolution in 1917. A crucial element of implementing this new tyranny is conditioning: the conditioning of their prospective subjects to mindlessly follow their orders, no matter how absurd, demeaning, or self-defeating.
There are numerous prongs of this attack on the collective integrity of the people. Transgenderism is a major one; not only have they caused ~20% of Gen Z to identify as some manner of LGB/T, dramatically impacting overall fertility, in line with the kitchen-sink depopulation efforts, but the conditioning is forceful: men are women, women are men, 2+2=5, and if you don’t say you agree, you’re a heartless bigot.
The purpose of communist propaganda is not to persuade, convince, or inform. The purpose of their propaganda is to humiliate and degrade you; to turn you into a liar, repeating and endorsing things that you know to be untrue, and in doing so, to break down your moral character, to lessen your righteousness; to degrade your ability to reject and call out immorality and evil. Let he that is without sin cast the first stone; if everybody is sinning, then nobody will be casting stones, and their evil can carry on unmolested and unchecked. Turning you into a liar degrades your ability and your standing to oppose immorality of all kinds; you know that it’s wrong, you know that it’s harmful, but you go along with it, you endorse the Big Lie, because the consequences of opposing it appear to be too great. Needless to say, the consequences of failing to oppose it are far, far worse - but you don’t see those yet.
The “civic duty” to Wear A Mask was implemented, originally, through both propaganda and, subsequently, peer pressure; and in a solid win for humanity, it was largely defeated in much the same way. Maskers became the butt of the joke everywhere, and gradually, the vast majority of the people in the grocery store ceased to wear them, the workplace mandates were rescinded, and the “new normal” was broadly rejected. Point and laugh was the generally accepted M.O., and it worked. Captured institutions, and the occasional die-hard, continued to insist on them; but the idea of masking has been generally, widely discredited as a useful or moral act.
Now, years later, we’re hearing that the “experts” are insisting on them again. The last variant didn’t spur such calls; nor did the ones before; but this one, for no particular reason, has the “experts” riled up and calling for ubiquitous masking again.
Again, we ask - why?
Another Cycle Begins
The process of conditioning is fairly straightforward: gradually dial up the heat, until you run into resistance. Once you’ve pushed as far as you can go, and the resistance starts to materialize in force, back down; repeal the mandates, soften the requirements, allow some of the challenges to see victory; let the people feel like their complaints have been heard, and the tyranny is going to stop now. Once the resistance has settled down, kick it back into gear again, and this time go a little further, a little faster, and see where the new boundary really lies. Winnow and exhaust the capacity and willingness to resist, fine-tune the propaganda and enforcement, and keep on pushing. Without compliance, they have nothing; they need to make you feel powerless, because you have all the power. Only you can decide to surrender it; only by giving in will you do so.
We have had a fairly long period of softening; cases being won, mandates largely becoming a relic of the past, loosening censorship, and generally moving forward from the pandemic onto more pressing things, like standing with the Ukrainian Fourth Reich and sacrificing livestock to the weather gods. One almost could’ve imagined that they were done with the pandemic. Sadly, it just ain’t so. Neither Ukrainians nor cow farts give the ballot counters any excuse to keep observers 50 feet away. Until and unless we fully eradicate either the Covid infection, or the communist infection - or both! - it will continued to be used as a cudgel and a tool of election fraud. We are now in the opening stages of ramping the heat back up again - unless the resistance is fierce, united and ubiquitous, it’s going to get incrementally more draconian every time. Fifteen minute cities, better known historically as ghettos, and a general prerequisite for and precursor to open genocide, are the endgame insofar as these restrictions go. With everything they’ve been throwing at Trump having utterly failed to budge his support, they’re going to have to pull something nasty, and they need to know how badly we’re going to react; ramping up the panic around election time will also give them a great excuse to permanently solidify the permissive, fraud-enabling rules around voting and ballot counting.
Subjugating a country so deeply rooted in personal liberty and freedom was never going to be easy. Having largely completed the process of institutional capture, they are again stretching their wings; the rule of law is becoming increasingly weakened, be it through rampant unpunished petty crime, the absurd, lawless indictments of Trump and his circle, or the total failure to hold the Bidens accountable for their broad-daylight corruption; the criminality and corruption is heating up, and with it, the people are again beginning to push back. The mandates have absolutely nothing to do with anybody’s safety or well-being. They are a purely political tool, a cudgel, with which they can again and again assault your sense of reality, your integrity, and simultaneously both assess, and hopefully degrade, your capacity for resistance.
If they can make you comply with a mask mandate, when you know full well that it serves absolutely no beneficial purpose, what manner of meaningful resistance do you possibly think you can offer against the wholesale theft of a country and the persecution of its rightful, twice-elected President?
They aren’t blind; they can see that they’re poking a hornet’s nest with these nakedly political, unjust prosecutions. What they really need to know right now is how far they can push the envelope. Has the program of demoralization worked? How significantly, how completely has it worked? How many people still believe that the masks do anything, versus how many are complying anyway and wearing them?
The answer to that question is going to inform just how hard they push the envelope over the next year. If they find that there is still broad compliance - particularly alongside simultaneous, widespread knowledge that they do nothing - that right there is a blinking green light to continue and accelerate the effort to break apart this country, and consign us all to a Marxist, WEF-dominated hellscape, from which there will be no peaceful escape.
Maybe you ascribe to accelerationism. Personally, I don’t; especially given their incredibly lackluster geopolitical performance of late, with alliances and vassal states falling and failing left and right, time is emphatically not on their side; the longer it takes, the slower it goes, and the more resistance they meet, the likelier that the whole house of cards will collapse before they manage to fully consolidate their power. We are coming into a crucial, historical period of time; the events of the next few years will shape the century to come. What that looks like depends wholly and solely on you.
Do not comply.
Of course, propaganda and peer pressure isn’t the only tool being used to generate compliance. The biggest ones are the workplace and college mandates; when long-pursued careers, livelihoods, and hard-earned educational achievements are directly threatened, the threat becomes much more immediate and personal than any abstract concept of what might happen to the country at large in the future, and standing up against it comes with real, quantifiable, potentially life-destroying risks. Over the last few years, those threats were used to enforce compliance with the vaccines; years later, the true experts, warning about blood clots, heart diseases, strokes and sudden death, and berated as quacks and conspiracy theorists, have been proven correct. All-cause excess mortality is far above normal and continuously rising; sudden deaths of celebrities, newscasters, sports players at all levels, and friends, family and colleagues are a regular and ongoing event.

Of course, the masks don’t pose quite that level of danger. They are dangerous, nonetheless; for one, plastic particulate matter is lodging in wearers’ lungs, likely to eventually cause any of a variety of respiratory diseases; masks produced in horribly unhygenic conditions, and by our geopolitical enemies in China, are also frequently contaminated with everything from fecal matter to graphene fibers, which have absolutely no business being anywhere near your mouth or lungs. Any way you slice it though, unless there are already extenuating respiratory conditions, it’s still difficult to argue that a mask is anywhere near as dangerous as the Russian Roulette that is the shots.

Nevertheless, as you may have figured out by now, good faith is a sucker’s game when it comes to opposing these things. As Bezmenov said, it doesn’t matter how much evidence you bring to a communist; they’re never going to believe, understand or accept it, until that boot lands squarely on their face. Likewise, trying to argue in good faith with one’s HR department, or your local college commies, is a losing proposition.
These mandates are not grounded in reality; they are grounded in disparities of force, and driven by ideology. So too, then, is the most effective means of opposition; you have more force at your disposal than you might think, and you would be amazed at how far integrity, and standing for your principles and beliefs, can take you. Lots of people have been winning lawsuits and compensation for constructive dismissal, wrongful termination, discrimination, etc, over the mandates. A few have sadly been lost, too. Companies and corporations tend to be allergic to risk; while standing up for yourself usually does entail some degree of risk, if you can flip the tables and turn it into their risk, you just might come through it okay. In the end, you’re the only one that can make that determination, and you should do what’s right for you.
(Just for the record, I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. Talk to a lawyer if you do end up considering legal action - there are numerous organizations that have popped up over the years that are wholly dedicated to helping us fight these fights.)
The resistance we offer over the next few months, particularly with regard to these mask mandates, will likely determine just how hard and far they’re going to push in the near future.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Over my dead body. Last time, this time, every time. Thanks for laying it out so well!
Timely reminder! The more of us resist and or stop patronizing establishments that support masking the better. Living in Washington State sadly, even without requirements you see those who drank the cool aid everyday.