Over my dead body. Last time, this time, every time. Thanks for laying it out so well!

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Timely reminder! The more of us resist and or stop patronizing establishments that support masking the better. Living in Washington State sadly, even without requirements you see those who drank the cool aid everyday.

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Amen, brother. 💯 %

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I get ivermectin from India for 30 cents per 12mg tablet, delivered. It works.

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Our motto should remain, "I will not comply!"

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They are ramping up the fear factor in our city regarding Covid again. So weird. But this community was all for the masks and jabs so really can't be helped - all vaccine zombies. It will be interesting to see if they fall for it again. Luckily most folks did eventually stop wearing masks (except a few older scaredy folks), but I have been seeing more and more recently. My teen said that many of the other teens thought they were stupid back when they were forced to wear them at school (which as great to hear as I was wondering where all the teenage rebelliousness had gone around here) but there was also a lot of peer pressure too for the young ones.

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When I see those duck billed masks I sure wish I had a duck honking device to go with it. It is probably better I don’t. ☺️

I refused to wear one last month in an Edmonton hospital 😷. I feel for the staff though.

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how can I get a referral to a neurologist from you? I finally found your post on ALS to send to someone who could use it, of course they're not interested 🙄 but I did notice you offered referrals to neurologists... and I am getting tired of my legs and feet being numb, despite on and off improvements with infrared, and grounding, and exercise, and lots of nutrition... I am in Virginia halfway between Washington DC and Richmond... a little bit discouraged since walking in bare feet got me a bee sting between the toes yesterday and that sucker still hurts!

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